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The below color codes are held in the RAID_CLASS_COLORS table in FrameXML/a (live not always current) or FrameXML/a (build 21916 as of Patch 7.0.3). 14 99 Starting Deal Subscriptions Starting from 14. It was announced by Zarhym that the Monk class color is. looks like all from some time in 2017 where maybe Blizz was having a problem with their code system. This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria. World of Warcraft Legion patch 7. Home / World of Warcraft / Class Order Halls / Unlocking Unlocking Your Class Order Halls (Legion 7.3.

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The below color codes are held in the RAIDCLASSCOLORS table in FrameXML/a (live not always current) or FrameXML/a (build 21916 as of Patch 7.0.3). Custom World Bosses -Crossfaction BG -Transmog -New System PVP Grades -VIP Patch -Custom spells -Spells Vendor -1v1 Arena -AND WAY MORE Everything has been created to please you. FIRST Balanced PvP Fun realm -T10-T15 PvE & X0-X2 PvP Gears. Each World of Warcraft class has its own color defined to it in the default UI, per the raid system. WoW API Each World of Warcraft class has its own color defined to it in the default UI, per the raid system. Shard of Corruption - 3.3.5a Best FUN Server FR/EN.

Wow legion discount code 2017